Welcome to Village Serramonte Online! This site is a private resource for owners and residents of the Village Serramonte Homeowners Association. Thanks for visiting! If you can't locate something on the site, come to the next board meeting. You can not only get answers to your questions, but also meet your neighbors! |
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Management Company Online Portal
Please visit the Management Company Online Portal at: https://villageserramonte.frontsteps.com
With this portal, you can:
- Communicate with Management
- Look up your HOA account information
- Stay up-to-date on community happenings
If you are interested in running for the board, please fill out this form. Instructions on where to send it are included on the form itself.
VILLAGE NEWS - Monday, March 24, 2025
Covid-19 ("Coronavirus") Information:
Link to W.H.O. (World Health Organization)
Link to C.D.C. (Centers for Disease Control)
Coronavirus Information at the Village:
Notice of Pool and Gym Closure
Elevators are being upgraded now.
Please be advised that coyotes have been seen walking through the common areas of the property at night.
Please do not let your child, cat or dog out of the house unattended.
Please read this information about the coyote sitings in our neighborhood. And be careful!
Community Association Manager at the Village
Please note that Sabrina Leglu is the Community Association Manager for the Village.
Parking Reminder
Please be reminded that there is a 96 hour limit, in and out, in effect for all visitor/guest parking. Also, parking is PROHIBITED in all red zones, fire access lanes, garage entrances, in front of garbage pickup rooms, and in front of or near the emergency gate between the Village Serramonte and Crown Colony. Vehicles parked here are subject to immediate tow at the vehicles owner’s expense.
Message From Your Board About Plumbing and What You Can Do to Save Money
Click here to see this important message from your board.
Please note that the board meetings are held EVERY FOURTH TUESDAY of each month at 7:00pm, unless otherwise posted. We invite you to come to the meeting and get involved with your community.
Minutes of previous meetings and agendas for future meetings can be found in Documents.
Problems? Send a service request to Common Interest.
More News
RABIES ENDEMIC IN SAN MATEO COUNTY - Another reason to make sure your pets are on leashes while outside your unit (and, of course, vaccinated). Here are some facts and information.
Dog Walking Tips from The Dog Whisperer
And, don't forget: Your dog must always be on a leash when it's outside of your unit, and you are responsible for picking up its waste.
Water Damage: Damage to the property from water-related causes can be prevented. Lack of maintaining your shower drains, the caulking and grout around your showers and tubs, and the wax seals under your toilets. Also, remember that any work done in your unit must be done by licensed contractors or plumbers. These kinds of damage cost Village homeowners over $60,000 in 2020.
Insurance Summary Now Available Here: If you are selling or refinancing, you can get a copy of the Village Insurance Summary in Documents.
See "Safety Tips" for information about fire safety and what your responsibilities are as a homeowner.
Did You Know? - The Village website has an average of over 1,200 visits per month!
Reserve Studies Now Online - Please see them here. This report is very important to you. It tells you what to expect to spend in the future for your home.
Gate Remote Batteries: If you haven't changed batteries in your gate remotes since the gates were installed in 2008, you probably need to do that. The batteries are 23A, and can be found in many places including Radio Shack.
See Pipeline and Safety Information from PG&E - UPDATED!
PG&E has asked the board to get information to Village residents about their pipelines and safety because we are within about 2,000 feet of a gas pipeline. Please read this to see what to do in an emergency.
If you see anything suspicious, please call the Daly City Police. They say they'd rather you call them and it turn out to be nothing than for you to not call them at all.
Do not let anyone in your building that you don't know, even if they say they live there; and do not let anyone in the gate with your phone unless you know them.
Daly City Police Department Provides Crime Report Newsletter by E-mail - Click here to see the DCPD crime newsletter sign-up form.
Daly City Crime Statistics - The Daly City Police Department has made this crime tracking application available on its website. You can access it here: Crime Statistics