This request will automatically be sent by e-mail to Common Interest Management Services.
Please do not use this form in case of emergencies (fire, water leaks, etc.). For fire or medical emergencies, call 911.
For other emergencies, call Common Interest Management Services at 650-286-0292, or after hours at 650.292.2893..
Examples of what you should use this form for are: replacement of lightbulbs, spots on carpets or other flooring, damage to any part of the common area, suspected problems with the roof, doors not shutting properly or locks not working, vandalism, etc.
Date and Time of Request | |
Your Name | |
Address on Philip Drive | |
Unit Status |
Owner Renter |
Owner Name (if different from above) | |
Phone Numbers | |
E-mail Address | |
What is your request? | |
Real Estate Transactions:
If you are looking for documents needed for a real estate transaction, go to which has simplified the process of delivering and obtaining Homeowners Association data as needed for real estate transactions.
Other Valuable Condo Information
"Davis-Stirling Act" -- California Civil Code 1350-1376 covering Common Interest Developments. You can see this on the ECHO (Executive Council of Homeowners) site here: